Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) intervention report – Kabo sub-prefecture – Ouham prefecture Commune of Ouaki Ax / Kabo / Batangafo -WASH intervention: From 27/10/ to /02/11/2022

During the day from October 08 to 09, 2022, heavy rains would have caused flooding and the collapse of houses and caused significant damage in the villages Roboringa, Kava1, Kakobo all located in the commune of Ouaki on the Kabo – Batangafo axis. According to a first estimate, 403 households would have been affected by this flood.

According to information cross-checked with the local authorities of the area and the focal points of RRM SI and the RRM team of SI on mission in Kabo, several people affected by this flood are homeless and others have found refuge with families of ‘welcome. There are also material losses (Non-Essential Household Items), damaged by the collapsed walls as well as the spread of diseases due to overflowing family latrines existing in these localities.

Solidarités International’s RRM team first deployed an Exploratory Mission (MEX) from October 21 to 22, 2022 followed by an MSA from October 28 to 30, 2022 in order to deepen needs assessments and provide a multi-sectoral response. .

In terms of WASH needs, the MEX/MSA noted that a large proportion of disaster-stricken and host households obtained their supplies from several undeveloped and unprotected sources, which is the cause of many cases of waterborne diseases observed. in the zone. This deployment (MEX/MSA) also made it possible to target 06 water points including three (03) non-functional and three (3) dysfunctional requiring repair/total rehabilitation works. A WASH intervention was therefore recommended and validated by the COPIL in order to improve access to water for affected households, hosts through repair/rehabilitation of water points, revitalization of water point committees and awareness sessions on good hygiene practices.

The intervention had to be suspended very quickly after the start of the repair work following a security incident which occurred on November 2 at PK 2 of ROBORINGA, putting an end to the EHA and NFI/KHI intervention, the targeting of which beneficiaries was also underway by the distribution team.

Source: UN Children’s Fund

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