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Approval of Draft Law Regulating Maritime Port Regulations and Fees

On Monday the Senate passed the Draft Law establishing rules for the Reactivation of Maritime-Port Activities and the regulation of certain fees in the sectors of Finance, Trade and Telecommunications.

Intense debates over two days, chaired and moderated by the President of the Senate, Teresa Efua Asangono, accompanied by her First and Second Vice-Presidents, Angel Serafin Seriche Dougan Malabo and Agustin Nze Nfumu, enabled the plenary to pass the draft law.

The draft law was defended by the Government delegation led by the Minister for Transport, Communications and New Technologies, Rufino Ovono Ondo, and comprising of technicians from the department, administrators, directors and representatives of the shipping companies operating in the ports of Malabo and Bata, who provided detailed information on the activities they carry out and, in reply, the legislators informed them of the mechanisms they should implement in order to adapt the maritime port taxes and tariffs, to legitimise the operation and all maritime port activities, in addition to reaching a consensus on the content.

Finally, the document resulting from the single reading study was approved with the acceptance of the spokespersons from the parliamentary groups represented in the Senate.

Source: Official Web Page of the Government

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