CREMA Executives trained on Governance framework in Tumu

Thirty-one members of the CREMA Executive Committee (CEC) have undergone a day’s review meeting on the governance framework of the constitution to guide its work.

The Wildlife Division of the Forestry Commission in collaboration with the Ghana Shea Landscape Emission Reductions Project (GSLERP) supported the day’s constitution framework on drafting for CREMA site II governance framework to enable the new CREMAs to commence work.

Mr Kpaal Elijah, the Assistant Park Manager of the Gbele Resource Reserve, said the Community Resource Management Area (CREMA) Constitution was the legal framework that governed and regulated all activities and operations of the CREMA, which was a key milestone needed to be set out.

Mr Elija noted that this would give the CREMA an identity that represented the aspirations of the people in their quest to protect the environment.

It included the cultures and traditions of the eight constituent communities involved that will empower the CREMA to lobby the District Assembly and other
bodies for the enactment of bye-laws to give authority to the CREMA.

Dr Polycap Maabir, the Park Manager of the Gbele Resource Reserve, emphasized its importance as it would provide guidelines for the daily operation of the CREMA secretariat and other activities.

Other participants were from PAMAU, Chiewia CREMA representative of the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Protection Agency and the Sissala East Municipal Assembly.

The regent of Lilixia, on behalf of the Tumu Traditional Council and PAMAU, urged members to be guided by the tenets of the Constitution framework.

Mr Bukari Kadiri, the Chairman of the CREMA Executive Committee, proposed two names ‘Kassena Nemoro CREMA’ and a motto to be known as ‘Nibonjua’ pending further consultation and approval from the elders of the selected communities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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