First session for the promotion of community forestry and sustainable livelihoods

The FAO, Equatorial Guinea and GEF are organising the 1st Steering Committee Session for the project: “Promoting community forestry for climate change mitigation and sustainable livelihoods in Equatorial Guinea” (2022-2027).

The joint strategy of the Government of Equatorial Guinea, the FAO and GEF funding over the next five years (2022-2027) envisages the implementation of actions aimed at conserving and enhancing forest carbon stocks, while simultaneously promoting the incorporation of sustainable livelihoods through sustainable community-based forest and land management.

On Wednesday, a technical meeting was organised in Malabo on the “promotion of community forestry for climate change mitigation and sustainable livelihoods in Equatorial Guinea”, the aim of which was to present institutional representatives with the structure and partial goals for the first year of implementation, as well as to submit for consideration and, if necessary, validation through significant adjustments to the structure of the committee itself and the elements that make up the project’s implementation arrangements.

These specific objectives have also been achieved:

• The establishment of the project steering committee. considering its integration based on the existing governmental structure.

• The presentation of the Work Plan for the first year of implementation, obtaining the corresponding operational and budgetary validation.

The “Promotion of community forestry for climate change mitigation and sustainable livelihoods in Equatorial Guinea” project is being partially funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and seeks to contribute to the implementation of the National Strategy and REDD+ Investment Plan by addressing identified priorities for reducing forest-related emissions.

Following the project launch meeting, in which the project’s scope and general approaches were made known, as well as preliminary approaches for the generation of institutional synergies, the members of the project’s steering committee reached agreement on the coordination of the project.

Likewise, as a result of the project launch meeting, some recommendations and proposals for adjustments were received for some areas within the initial structure of the project, which require validation by the steering committee.

The meeting was aimed at members designated in the project document (PRODOC), who are representatives of government entities and invited guests with relevant agency in the fulfilment of the project’s objectives.

Source: Official Web Page of the Government

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