The meeting of the Mission on the Diagnosis of the Digital Economy in Equatorial Guinea, requested by the Government and led by the Minister for Planning and Economic Diversification, Gabriel Mbega Obiang Lima, was held on 27th February.
The Minister of Planning was accompanied by the Deputy Minister and the Secretary of State for Planning; the Advisor to the Presidency of the Government from the National Development Agency; the Advisor to the Presidency on the Business Climate; the Director Generals of Economy, Planning, ANDEGE, HOLDING, DGA and INEGE.
On the WBG side, the mission was made up of eleven members, led by Camila Mejia Giraldo, team leader and senior digital development specialist.
The meeting dealt with the presentation and characteristics of the mission; contact with the head of economic development for overall policy; the details of the ministry’s 100 days plan for economic diversification, focused on the communication and diagnosis of the urgent needs of the Government and the progress and plans for the 2035 Development Agenda.
Throughout the week, the mission will meet with more than 20 national stakeholders, including various ministries, financial institutions, companies and digital entrepreneurs.
Mbega Obiang Lima accentuated the aims of the plan to accelerate diversification with an urgent activation of the plan by 2035, focusing on innovation, promotion of the green and blue economies, optimal use of the country’s advantages regarding its land resources, minerals and infrastructure, insisting that the Government has segmented infrastructure.
The Minister for Planning concluded by saying that the digital economy is an extremely important pillar to be developed by young people and already trained human resources, especially those in the oil sector, which is a key sector in particular need of IT skills.
The need for collaboration across all sectors in the provision of data, and diagnosis based on government needs, was highlighted as paramount.
The meeting concluded with a few words from the minister on the importance for the country of the mission’s optimal development, pledging to support the mission in everything they may need in order to make their stay more productive.
Source: Official Web Page of the Government