Preparations for OEACP Heads of State Summit

The Equatorial Guinea Ambassador in Brussels, Carmelo Nvono-Ncá, also Permanent Representative before the OEACP (Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States), met the General Secretary of the organisation, Georges Rebelo Pinto Chikoty, to confirm the final preparations for the Summit of Heads of State that will take place in Angola from 6th to 10th December.

The event will take place under the banner “Three Continents, Three Oceans, One Common Destiny: Building a Resilient and Sustainable OEACP”. The event is of crucial importance, considering that the OEACP is the international body bringing together the most countries after the United Nations: no less than 79 nations from three different continents.

The Summit of Heads of State and Government will be preceded by a business forum where, among other questions, trade-related issues between the member States of the organisation will be discussed.

Angola has been working for some time on the organisation of this high-level event, which will focus on international current affairs and economic and cultural globalisation.

Source: Official Web Page of the Government

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