Speech by the PDGE General Secretary

The PDGE Deputy National Campaign Director, Jeronimo Osa Osa Ecoro, in his speech, mentioned recognition of the PDGE candidate for his work in leading the country.

In his speech he said that the PDGE was convinced that the path taken must continue without interruption.

Osa Osa Ecoro summarised the PDGE’s electoral programme as positive on balance, due to the work done and led by the President in power H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo in an climate of peace and harmony.

The PDGE is the element that has been able to adopt political plans and programmes and has also promoted equality for all and ensured a prosperous future for the next generation.

Acceptance of the PDGE candidate was due to his leadership and his political and economic plans, which have placed Equatorial Guinea within the international context.

The Deputy National Director of the PDGE Campaign also recalled the sad memory of the past in which the country was held hostage by dictatorial oppression. During more than three decades at the helm of the country, H. E. Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has provided the country with infrastructure, health centres, promoted gender equality and children’s rights, and the policies designed by the PDGE have guaranteed peace throughout the country, among other actions including a development programme in the urban sector.

He concluded by appealing to the militancy that a vote for the PDGE candidate was a vote for a familiar route, a vote for peace and political and social stability in the country.

Source: Official Web Page of the Government

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