Kumba 3: Meme SDO blames residents for a separatist attack at residence of D.O

Ntou’ou Ndong Chamberlain, the SDO for Meme Division-South West region on Friday 8 September 2023 shouted at and blamed the population of Mambanda in Kumba III subdivision for not reporting the presence of amba fighters, risking the life of their D.O.

He was speaking disappointedly at the D.O.’s residence that was attacked on Thursday, September 7, in the evening hours when the local administrator drove in.

“I can testify you saw them coming. In your own village masa!!! In your own village, you are unable to bravely report these institutors of havoc? Your village is your village and your ancestors are protecting you and are there to give you the strength to fight. You can not be here in Mambanda and those boys come with guns to kill your D.O. and you don’t report to authorities and forces of law and order to intervene. It means that there is a problem somewhere. It is very painful. I don’t want to ever come back here and hear those boys came to Mambanda village.” Ntou’ou Ndong Chamberlain emphasized fuming at some locals he addressed.

The D.O., Ngalle Alfred Mande, who was attacked was rescued by the military who intervened immediately after being alerted. According to the Meme SDO, the assailants quickly retreated.

“The military will continue hunting them. They were not many. They should be aware that very soon they will be severely touched.” Ntou’ou Ndong Chamberlain said confidently.

Before the arrival of the BIR, the gunmen were prevented from entering the residence of the D.O. by a soldier on duty, in a sustained gunfire exchange. Mr Chamberlain gave the soldier a congratulatory handshake.

It is reported the attackers took cover in the bush around the residence, waiting for their target. Between 7:30 pm and 8:00 pm when he was driving in, the armed men fired shots which perforated the gate. The rescued D.O. was taken to the BIR camp in Mambanda for refuge.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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