Mass and closure of Second Ordinary Period of Parliamentary Sessions 2022

To mark the closing of the Second Ordinary Period of Parliamentary Sessions corresponding to the current year 2022, and the closing of the Second Legislature of the Senate and the Eighth of the Chamber of Deputies, legislators from both parliamentary institutions attended a thanksgiving mass at the San José de Banapa Sanctuary, to thank Almighty God for the calm with which the work they are called on to do for the benefit of the people of Equatorial Guinea and their representatives has been carried out.

The mass, which was attended by all parliamentarians, led by their respective presidents, Teresa Efua Asangono and Gaudencio Mohaba Messu, and accompanied by the Presidents of the Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Court, Court of Auditors, Attorney General of the Republic, the Ombudsman and some members of the Government, was officiated by the Parish Priest, Juan Alo Esono, assisted by several religious ministers, who, in addition to conveying to the senators and deputies the congratulations of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Malabo on the conclusion of the parliamentary term, also stressed the importance of drafting and approving just laws to regulate human behaviour, recalling that all law comes from God who is the sole judge and giver of all that every human being has at his disposal.

At another point in his sermon, he appealed to parliamentarians to channel their actions in the pursuit of goodness, mercy and justice, while praising their energy and recognising the complexity of the task of drawing up provisions aimed at achieving social justice, which, he said, must be inspired by God’s principles.

Source: Official Web Page of the Government

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