Vice-President of Republic holds meeting to implement drinking water project throughout national territory

On Wednesday, H. E. Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue held a meeting at the People’s Palace in Malabo, with ministers from Public Works, Finance, Geproyectos and the Chinese company Gesuba.

Through its policy to provide the Equatoguinean population with modern infrastructure and basic services, the Government is committed to the implementation of the drinking water supply project in Malabo and Bata, and in more than 788 Village Councils.

In 2023, the Government of Equatorial Guinea will work on one of the most ambitious projects in its national policy. The aim is to implement a drinking water adduction network capable of supplying all the neighbourhoods of Malabo and Bata, as well as hundreds of Village Councils.

In order to bring this about, H. E. Nguema Obiang Mangue summoned the heads of the portfolios of Public Works, Finance and Geproyectos to urgently draw up a strategic plan to ensure that the drinking water supply reaches the entire country.

In 2015, the Government of Equatorial Guinea signed a contract with the Chinese company Gesuba for the implementation of the drinking water supply project in the city of Malabo. However, this agreement has not materialised so far.

After being informed regarding the delay in the materialisation of the work, the Vice-President of the Council of Ministers. in his eagerness to ensure the welfare of his compatriots and comply with the slogan of the Government of the Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea contained in the Horizon 2035 plan, water for all, stressed to Public Works, Geproyectos and the construction company the urgent need to present a fresh project that includes all financial details, as well as to carry out a study in order to determine the true situation regarding each area, so that through this document the Executive can decide as soon as possible on the implementation of this social project.

Nguema Obiang Mangue, who acknowledged that many cities in the country already had a drinking water supply network, insisted that this project must reach the entire national territory, because, he said, development programmes should not only be limited to urban areas, but also extend to rural areas, since all Equatoguineans have the same rights and should enjoy the same opportunities.

Source: Official Web Page of the Government

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